Production plants

The first vehicle left our factory in Mladá Boleslav in 1905 and millions of others have followed it throughout the company’s more than 125 years of existence. The company’s registered office and automobile development department have remained in the company’s home town, but production has also spread to many other places, cities and countries over time.


Škoda Auto has a sole shareholder, a General Meeting is not held and its powers are executed by this sole shareholder: VOLKSWAGEN FINANCE LUXEMBURG S.A. with its registered seat in Luxembourg, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The company bodies are: Supervisory Board, Board of Management and Audit Committee. Meet our board members.

2024 Annual Financial Results

Online Annual Report 2024

Škoda Auto Annual Report 2024
pdf (21.4 MB)
Výroční zpráva Škoda Auto 2024
pdf (21.1 MB)

If you are looking for information on the Škoda Auto company and its economic results, there is the archive of Annual Reports in English and Czech language:

Annual report
20232022202120202019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004 / 2003 / 2002 / 2001 / 2000

Výroční zpráva
2023202220212020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004 / 2003 / 2002 / 2001 / 2000


Škoda Auto views sustainability as an essential requirement for a successful future. We firmly believe that our efforts to achieve economic success, our clear commitment to responsible social behaviour and our strong environmental awareness are closely interrelated and should all be given equal consideration.


The Škoda story began not on four wheels, but two: a bicycle called the ‘Slavia’. Our founders, Václav Laurin and Václav Klement, built it in 1895. Besides their first names and a love for cycling, they had another thing in common: a strong inventive spirit...

Škoda Storyboard

The Škoda Storyboard platform presents emotive and surprising stories from the world of Škoda, interactively edited and compiled for electronic and social media. The Storyboard has also become the Škoda brand’s new Media Portal featuring press releases, photos and video clips.

Škoda X

The Škoda Auto DigiLab has transformed into Škoda X, highlighting the carmaker’s commitment to advancing the digitalisation of its products and services. The innovation hub in Prague has embraced a customer-centric approach and will play a pivotal role in developing digital services for Škoda. The letter ‘X’ represents the new centre’s principles of Exponential, Exploration, and Expansion.


Tř. Václava Klementa 869, Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Identification number: 00 17 70 41

Registered in the commercial register held by Městský soud v Praze (Municipal Court in Prague), B 332

Member of the Volkswagen Group

Infoline: +420 236 090 002

Bank account (EUR)

With effect from 1st April 2020, Škoda Auto’s primary EUR bank account:

Bank: BNP Paribas Fortis (Fortis Bank SA/NV)
Address: Montagne du Parc 3, Warandeberg 3, B-1000 Brussel, Belgium
Bank account Nr.: 001-8336621-32
SORT Code: X
IBAN: BE90001833662132

Identification data for tax and customs purpose

Škoda Worldwide

Find out the details about Škoda in your country.