Save time with the Pay to Fuel service, you can pay for your refueling conveniently from your car. Simply select your pump number on the screen and the app will guide you through the next steps.
With Pay to Fuel, refueling across Europe becomes a seamless part of your travel experience.
Whether your favorite song is playing or you just don't want to leave your car in a cold weather, with Pay to Fuel you can pay for refueling from the comfort of your car.
Conveniently pay directly from your car's infotainment system, saving time on each refueling transaction.
You can check the availability of the app for your Škoda here. The Pay to Fuel app is available for cars with the Škoda Connect services activated.
Expand your infotainment system with one of our additional apps to give your journey your own dimension!
Preconditions of the Pay to Fuel functionality:
No, in the current version it is possible to pair your account with only one vehicle. If you want to use Pay to Fuel for other vehicles, you will have to create a separate account for each one.
And no, one vehicle cannot be assigned to multiple user accounts. Every vehicle needs its own separate Pay to Fuel account.
The Pay to Fuel service is available in all the major countries:
The Pay to Fuel service is available to customers in the web app (in-car infotainment).
In the MyŠkoda Essential app will be only focused on registration and activation of the service. However, new version of the MyŠkoda App (version 7) will allow customers to fully utilize the Pay to Fuel service in conjunction with the Pay to Park service (payment flow).
Since then both services can be fully utilized either through the vehicle's infotainment system or via the MyŠkoda App.
The coverage of the service depends on the partner’s coverage – Parkopedia and RYD. The fueling coverage is continually extending. We are currently working together on bringing more petrol station into the service.
Pay to Fuel service cannot be used without activated Škoda Connect package.
Personal data usage is covered in the Client terms and conditions (T&Cs) which would have to be acknowledged during account creation.
Pay to Fuel is part of his Škoda Connect package and is therefore paid within Škoda Connect license. There is no need to pay for the service separately. Price for fuel at specific petrol stations is always defined by the station itself and Škoda can't influence it.
Payment is handled via payment getaway of Parkopedia, a partner of Škoda Auto in provisioning of fueling payment feature.
Parkopedia has a thorough fraud protection mechanisms in place, therefore one or more of these issues might have taken place:
Mobile app - please follow the steps:
Web app – please follow the steps:
Fueling history is not available in the current version of app.
Invoice is not available in the mobile app or web app – it is sent to customer’s e-mail.
The petrol station crew can see which petrol pump stand´s was handled online.
Please try again or use different card.
You will be charged based on the currency of choice for your registered country and all financial invoices/receipts will be generated based on the requirements of that same country.