I hereby give to Škoda Auto a.s., tř. Václava Klementa 869, 293 60, Mladá Boleslav, Identification No.: 00177041, registered in the Register of companies kept by the Municipal Court of Prague under section B file No. 332, data controller of personal data (hereafter referred to as “company Škoda Auto“),
my free and voluntary consent to the processing of personal data to the following extent: title, name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, country of my current diplomatic mission, declaration of my position as a diplomat with valid diplomatic passport.
for a purpose: for Škoda to contact me back with information about Diplomatic Sales Program.
Consent is given for: 2 years.
I acknowledge that I have a right to withdraw my consent at any time electronically on the web site http://www.skoda-auto.com/data-privacy or in the written form on the address of the company Škoda Auto. I have a right to withdraw the consent before the expiration of the processing period for which the consent was granted. The withdrawal of the consent shall not affect the lawfulness of personal data processing based on the consent before its withdrawal.
More information related to personal data processing is provided in the annex listed below which is an integral part of this consent. General information related to personal data protection is also available on the web site http://www.skoda-auto.com/data-privacy.