Standard manufacturer's warranty

2 years: Mobility Guarantee

2 years: Material and legal defects

3 years: Paint

12 years: Corrosion

What's on-top?

Misfuelled or got a puncture? Škoda Assistance will provide you with immediate assistance.
Škoda Extended Warranty covers unexpected repairs of your Škoda car after the manufacturer’s warranty.
Don’t worry when you’re on the road or your car is being serviced. Mobility Plus delivers extra benefits.

Škoda Assistance

Rely on prompt assistance if you have a breakdown. Free and non-stop.

Service Plans

from Škoda Financial Services

Do you want your Škoda to always be in perfect technical condition and also want to keep its value stable? Then secure your next service with Škoda Service Plans. Škoda takes care of the inspection costs for you. You only pay a fixed fee in form of your monthly contribution.

Motor Insurance

from Škoda Financial Services

Motor third-party liability insurance, collision insurance, personal accident insurance and other services in a single comprehensive insurance package valid across Europe. Processed promptly, with no paperwork.